AI in game design – professional course

AI in game design - professional course

Are you a game developer looking to level up your skills? Join us at the AI in game design event, where our experts will share their insights and practical tips after 10.000 hours of usage with Chat GPT how to utilize artificial intelligence into your game development process. For instance to create a compelling storyline for your game, create content, test the mechanics, balance your game, create visuals and even code (Python).

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to network with fellow game designers and learn from the best in the industry. The event will be held at Het Bonbontheater-vergaderlokatie-Amsterdam, so mark your calendars and get ready to take your game design to the next level!

SAGANET leden (lidmaatschap nu 60,- per jaar) krijgen 125,- korting en betalen 375,- (ipv 490,-)

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Meer info op de website van de organisatie

21 november 2024
09:30 - 17:00 uur

BonBon Theater
Prinseneiland 23a